The hurt comes
Flowing sideways
Like torrential rain
To knock me over
To drown my words.
I have nothing to say
Over this gale of pain
As it slices to my core.
It steals my breath
Seizes my heart
Arrests my thoughts,
Til my words are no more.
No turn of phrase
Can turn this news
Into good news.
With a doctor’s pitying stare,
The bad report arrives.
It’s time to hurry up and wait,
A surgeon’s schedule isn’t light.
Mortality and eternity,
Death and life,
Grappling in the ongoing fight
Of the now
And the not yet.
Of what is
And what is to come.
A punching, bruising whirlwind of burden
That catches humanity in its path.
Underneath grating fluorescent lights
An unholy boxing match,
The paradox of this fallen life.
My heart is black and blue,
And it all feels unfair.
Lord, hear this daughter’s desperate prayers!
Because positive vibes
And arrogant demands
Have never known
How to save a life.
There’s nowhere else to go,
So I run with confidence to your throne!
I throw myself at Your feet,
El Roi, the God Who Sees.
Plead in front of Your mercy seat
Save her, O Lord!
Heal her, O God!
For You control our destinies.
Grief and hope hold hands,
In this waiting room.
I’m not confident in much,
But I am confident in You.
I am certain that You hear me,
Elohim Shama!
My spirit groans,
But I’m not alone
For you are God With Us.
You have not forgotten Your children,
El Shaddai,
My God Almighty,
It’s Your heart I seek.
It’s Your grace that brings relief
From this crushing grief
From the weight of this world
Broken by sin
Threatening to undo us from within.
Even in all of this,
In every predicament,
I know my Redeemer lives!
Jehovah Rapha, God our healer,
The One I desperately need.
Abba! Father!
Jesus, my Prince of Peace.
You promised we’d have trouble,
And here it is, Lord,
It’s arrived.
But You are never behind,
You are always right on time.
I will choose to rejoice,
Whether You heal or You don’t,
Though my soul is weary,
Though these worries ebb and flow,
There’s a truth I always know:
Wherever I go
There You are.
So what else is there to do?
I pray
I praise
I listen
I wait.
Focus my eyes above the tidal wave.
For You, Oh Lord, direct my path.
The past
The present
The future
I surrender all to You.
I rest in You.
Anna, this is beautiful and also gut wrenching. I pray you are okay and for complete healing. ox