Your ears, they itch
Self centeredness oozing,
And passions compacting,
Unable to hear the Truth,
You long for myths
You long for soothing
Words and phrases.
That sound spiritual
And lovely
That will help me
Fix me
Be all about me
Yes, the world has much to say
And yet all it says is:
Me, me, me!
But let our example be
Jesus, who prayed
In John 17
For a church
That lives in unity
For Him, Him, Him,
To replace
Mine, mine, mine
For the fruit of the Spirit
To overflow in our lives.
Dear preacher,
You were not charged
To preach a word
Without contrition
That turns the crowd
In on itself
Into perpetual introspection.
Or helps them try to manage
Their sinful passions,
As if our willpower
Is any match
For the nature of Adam.
As you trade truth
For a shade of godless charity
And give to the greedy
The false gospel of prosperity.
And to the lustful
You preach a twisted liberty.
You say “grace abounds,”
But you mean “anything goes”
And sentence your listeners to die
In their woes
In their sins.
For those swallowed up
In their selfishness
There is
Me, me, me
In every verse and psalm
But never the Savior’s balm
Of Truth that changes
And Love that rearranges
The trajectory of our life
From darkness to light
Not just justified
But satisfied
To be set apart
And surrendered to Jesus Christ.
Instead, false teacher,
You hand out alliterative lies
Sugar-coated with pride.
No one can be saved,
By your false christ.
You, dear pastor,
You were charged
To preach THE Word
That satisfies and saves
And it begins with repentance
Is bathed in truth
And awash with love
The gospel that heals
Those oozing, itching ears
And invites the wanderer
To surrender their passions
To follow Jesus
On the narrow path.
Dear listener,
I exhort you,
Interrogate that speaker’s fruit!
Because if you don’t know
The voice of God
If you don’t dig deep roots
–Into His Word
His character
His sovereign rule–
Then every wolf
Who hides in wool
Will sound like a shepherd,
As he directs you
Back to self
As he mishandles the Word
And drags you to hell.
But His sheep will know the voice
Of the Word, become flesh.
Of the Shepherd
Whose ministry began:
For the Kingdom of heaven is at hand!
He held obedience and compassion
He gave Love and Truth,
Never did Jesus divide the two.
He dined with the sinners
Prostitutes and tax collectors
And He called them out of darkness
Into His marvelous light
Where there is forgiveness
And everlasting Life.