I know how well you can speak
I’ve heard your eloquence
Felt the urgency
In your practiced monologues
In your elongated diatribes.
I know how you like to spin vibes,
In soliloquies,
And harmonies,
To hide all the darkness inside.
You speak to popular philosophies,
Reframe all your anxieties,
Flip the flow on your insecurities,
Speak what you want.
So you can be self-made
But you didn’t make yourself.
So what if you just prayed?
I know your friends,
I’ve heard them too.
They’re not so wise,
They fix their eyes on this world,
And its addictions.
Its fixations are flawed,
In a fictitious reimagining of God,
In the image of man.
They’ve pledged themselves
To the wrong things
Idols they’ve made with their own hands.
So what if you just prayed?
What if you fell on your face?
Disembarked from the pedestal
On which you’ve set yourself
A manmade throne of foolishness
What if you flung yourself into grace?
Into God’s arms of mercy
Open wide, waiting for you
What if you abandoned
Your unhealthy coping strategies
And ran into the actual throne room
What if you sought His face?
What if you first dwelt in the secret place?
What if you knelt before the King?
(Not the one of your own making)
But the King of all Kings
The Almighty God,
Who existed before
The foundations of this earth.
He is eternal, over everything.
What if instead of internal reckonings
Pondering phrases
Tossing them over and over
In a circular rumination
Like a wash cycle on the wrong setting
That you keep forgetting and restarting
And restarting
And restarting
And going in circles...
What if you stopped spinning?
What if you stopped forgetting
To pray
—Anna Williams
What if…
I love this 🙏