You wake in a frenzy
Of light and color
Of song and joy.
The sun’s awake,
And so are you,
And so we all must be.
We begin our daily course,
Inside your extraordinary orbit,
Drawn in
By wild and wonderful,
Your smile is electric,
Bringing its own light to every room.
Your happiness is contagious,
Brightening even the strongest gloom.
Your energy boundless,
Matched only by your eagerness
For life and all its opportunities.
Your questions are as bottomless
As your unlimited curiosities.
A never ending well of glory,
Filled with Why and How,
And my name always abounds
Mommy, mommy, mommy!
As your excitement resounds.
So of course,
We’ll read just one more story.
Wild and wonderful,
Your songs fill the air,
With imagination and love.
Hugs full of magic,
I don’t want to let go first,
So I squeeze you tight,
Freeze frame this moment,
In my mind.
In my heart.
Can it last forever?
While you still fit in my arms?
I am filled with wonder,
Wild and wonderful,
We wade through big feelings,
That overtake us both,
Though Mommy tries her best,
To be a calming force,
In a hurricane of tears.
Such big emotions,
Such real fears,
In a still tiny body.
But still wonderful
Never fear, my daughter,
Precious princess,
Sweet astronaut,
Strong lion tamer,
Dancing queen,
Delightful dreamer,
You are a gift from above,
My Love.
A gift from the good Lord,
This wild and wonderful,
I’ll always be here,
Savoring your laugh,
Sharing your joy,
As you see the world
Through blue-green eyes,
Ever in awe and amazement.
I will remember the snuggles,
The love,
The hugs,
The dresses of tulle,
The millions of things that make you, you.
I will remember a marvelous,
Magnificent and sublime,
Glorious and blessed,
Forever grateful,
For wild and wonderful,